Breakfast Mob!
When the waitress came over to take our breakfast order the very first time we sat down in this restaurant I couldn’t believe it.
You work in every single restaurant that we go to!! How can you possibly work in so many different places?
Not anymore, she said. My husband and I own this one now.
I was so impressed. Seriously. Like mouth fall open impressed.
They are Filipino. They did not start out with the same birth privileges that we did. They came here as foreign workers with a dream. They have worked endless hours in other peoples kitchens, serving hundreds of thousands of guests over the years, to get here.
They had a dream. They took a risk. A huge risk.
And they are doing it!!
Why did you name your business Twenty Eight?
It is our son’s birthdate, and in Cantonese it is a lucky number for business!
A local teacher handmade the tables, how cool is that.
And to put it simply, they have one of the best breakfast restaurants that we have ever been in!! They hand make their own bread fresh every morning, and their coffee is what dreams are made of! They have a full dinner menu too… which I hear is amazing.
This morning we rounded up 47 people, met in the parking lot as a secret group… which was a bit too large to be incognito lol…and treated them to our favourite breakfast place!
We walked in together to surprise Marvin, Caroline, and their staff, with a very hungry BREAKFAST MOB and it was so funnnn!!
We were singing Jingle Bells as we surprised them… and discovered we are not the best jinglers!! We made everyone wear Santa hats and reindeer antlers and they didn’t even take them off an hour into breakfast lol
Trevor and I put on our aprons to help serve coffee… which is something we have never done. We had intentions of helping out more but it was clear that these guys are professionals and we were not haha!! Their kitchen is spotless, they are having fun back there cooking, and the girls upfront didn’t even blink under the pressure of having 47 hungry people sit down all at once!!
We had quite a few special guests join us this morning, including Joe & Janice Scalzo. Marvin & Caroline both worked at Scalzo’s Boston Pizza in Spruce Grove for many years…and the Scalzo’s were very instrumental in helping them navigate through the process of starting up this business.
Local businesses supporting local businesses.
We will continue to have our weekly breakfast “meetings” at Twenty Eight Urban Kitchen in Stony Plain with our friends and we hope you will join us too!
Merry Christmas!
~ Amanda & Trevor Wilhauk
Wilhauk Beef Jerky Ltd. Spruce Grove