What You Need to Know

  • Your school can keep your fundraiser open for any amount of time!! We recommend two weeks, if you go longer than that then customers start wondering where their order is. 

  • We would like to recommend a paper copy fundraiser to you. Download and print out our form, and then on the back of it, tell your parents what you are fundraising for!! New chromebooks! A playground upgrade! New stage equipment! A new skating rink! Get them excited!! We will let you know here, in complete honesty, that the schools that run a printed paper campaign will typically do $6,000 - $8000 more in sales than the fundraisers that are sent out only electronically. This is likely because there is a piece of paper sitting on the kitchen counter reminding parents to get to it! Electronic papers unfortunately do not bring in the same results but we can still work with you on this if this is your preference.

  • Please feel free to take any of our product pictures from our social media accounts to help you with your campaign.

  • No fundraising order is too big or too small!! We will never turn anyone away!! 

  • Credits earned, product weights, and gluten friendly items can be found listed at the bottom of the fundraising form. All other product information is listed on this site under Products.

  • Push out reminders through emails and your schools social media accounts to remind your parents on your order form deadlines, pick up dates, and location details!

  • Once you have collected all of your students fundraising forms, bring the forms in to the Brickhouse Smokery, Spruce Grove immediately! We will enter them all into a master spreadsheet which will show how the individual students did, as well as how the school did as a group. It will show how many credits your school earned and what is owed to WILHAUK04 Inc. This spreadsheet will be sent to you for approval and can be used for your own bookkeeping purposes. These original student forms are how we find the little mistakes and catch them before the product goes out!

  • ALL CREDITS EARNED will remain in your school fundraising bank account. Your school will write one cheque to WILHAUK04 Inc. for the balance from our spreadsheet. Payment is due prior to the start of pick up. MasterCard, VISA, Debit, and cash are accepted as well. Please do not write out a cheque to us until you have our spreadsheet!

  • We usually need one week to turn around your order so please make sure your student forms have been delivered to us one week prior to your pick up date!! We can only book 2 - 3 schools per week so please call in early to book your spot. 


  1. PARENTS will PICK UP - their orders in our store on either the Friday (10:00am – 6:00pm) or the Saturday (10:00am – 5:00pm) of the weekend that you choose!! We take care of the storage, organizing, and distribution of the meat. Parents sign off on what they are picking up from their original order forms. 
  2. FOR PARKLAND COUNTY SCHOOLS  - We will deliver the entire order to your school on the date that you choose, all orders will be individually sorted, wrapped, and labelled with the students name by us so that no sorting is required by your fundraising team. PLEASE NOTE! Our meat products need to be kept cold so we will time delivery to be closer to the end of the school day. 
  3. FOR SCHOOLS OUTSIDE OF PARKLAND COUNTY  - We will have all the orders individually sorted, boxed, and labelled with the students names and ready to be picked up at the time and date specified by you! All you will have to do is pick up, and then unload the boxes in your school’s entrance way (great especially for winter months) and notify your parents of the pick up times. PLEASE NOTE! Our meat products need to be kept cold so please choose a pick up time to be as close to the end of the school day as possible. 

Download School Fundraising Form

School Fundraising Contest!!

To qualify for the prizes listed below all fundraising must be completed and handed in by June 1 2024 



2nd PLACE! $250 cheque from us to put towards your school fundraiser!

3rd PLACE! $200 cheque from us to put towards your school fundraiser!

School Fundraising Contest!!

Prize Small Print:

  1. Fundraisers must be handed in between September 5 2023 – June 1 2024.
  2. Pizza Party will happen in June 2024. Exact date to be chosen by the school.
  3. Prize placements are calculated on a per student capita to make it fair for small and large schools to compete against each other.  So yes, schools with 150 students can compete with schools of 800 students. The total amount of the fundraiser handed in will be divided by the number of students in your school.
  4. We need at least five schools to enter this for the contest to run.  

Please contact us with any questions and good luck!

Amanda Wilhauk 
Brickhouse Smokery Spruce Grove & West Edmonton Mall

780.571.1515 or 780.298.7779

Email Amanda 

Interested in Fundraising?

Reach out today for more information or to get started!